Monday, 31 January 2011

Tick List Monday 31st Jan


The blogger of the week goes to SEB MODOS his blog is immaculate, and he has completed all homework tasks to a good standard. His Avatar PowerPoint was excellent, well done Seb!

From now on to get blogger of the week not only do you need to have up to date coursework and completed homework, I want you to show your love for film by posting a film related post, it could be a review, a YouTube clip, a poster an interesting piece of merchandise, ANYTHING TO DO WITH FILM, as long as you are able to critically discuss it.

Let the competition commence!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Homework: The Core & Exhibition research

Due Friday 28th January

  1. On you blogs write the answers to 'The Core' questions 1-5. Use your notes to write full sentences and paragraphs.
  2. Complete section 4 of the research on your film this is Exhibition research - Look back at all completed sections and make sure you have done them properly, I may have written comments on your blogs read them!

Friday, 14 January 2011

TICK LIST - Friday 14th January


If you don't have PowerPoint and even if you do you can try your hand at creating a prezi (a huge interactive brainstorm - remember our first lesson? Look below for a reminder). Go to and look around and see if you can have ago. Once you create one you can copy the embed code and put it on your blog.

Homework: Catch up - Due Friday 21st January

Can everyone make sure the following are complete:

  • Production Research for their film (look at section 1&2 on pg5 of coursework booklet)
  • Distribution Research for their film (look at section 3 on pg5 of coursework booklet)
  • Micro Analysis essay - some students owe me a second draft, some students haven't done a first draft!
  • Make sure that all post on your blog have labels so I can find them easily
  • And remember you don't have any excuses about printers and memory sticks you can email me work 

Homework: Avatar Research - Due Friday 21st January

A USP for Avatar was the fact that it utilised pioneering technology and so took over 10 year to make and was released in 3D.

The marketing for the film was just as spectacular and made use of various cross media platforms

Your task is to research 3 marketing strategies used to promote the film Avatar.
  1. Research the website
  2. Research the involvement of one of the following companies: Ubisoft, Panasonic, Coca-Cola
  3. Choose 1 other marketing or promotional activity for the film Avatar
Present findings in a PowerPoint and load to your blogs using Slideshare, include pictures/video, you will need to use several slides for each promotional activity

For each promotional activity discuss:
  • Describe what it is/was
  • How it links with the film
  • Who the target audience is - and why it would appeal to them
  • Was the promotional activity successful/ ground breaking - why?

Friday, 7 January 2011

Homework: Due Friday 14th January

Complete section three of research task, see page 5

To embed Word, Publisher or Powerpoint documents like I have done, you will have to start a slideshare account using Use the video below to help.